What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?
Early orthodontic treatment (also known as interceptive orthodontics) is used to diagnose and cure misaligned teeth and other orthodontic abnormalities in children as young as seven to eleven years of age.
As long as your child's baby teeth are mixed with their adult teeth, our Manitoba dentists may take advantage of their continued growth and dental development while treating orthodontic disorders, allowing them to achieve the best possible results.
If orthodontic treatment is started early, it has the potential to shorten treatment duration and may eliminate the need for tooth extractions in the future years.
What types of issues are treated with Phase 1 treatment?
Phase 1 orthodontics can correct several types of issues with early interceptive orthodontics, including:
- Misaligned teeth growing out of position
- Expansion of the upper jaw to eliminate a crossbite
- A misshapen jawbone (which is still soft and pliable at early ages)
- Protruding front teeth
- Expansion of the jaw to create space for overly crowded teeth
What are the goals of phase 1 treatment?
While the child's jaws are still developing, Phase 1 treatment can be used to correct misalignment and bite difficulties, as well as to make room for both the current teeth and the new teeth that will be coming in.
Examples of outcomes that can be obtained by early interceptive orthodontics include the following: :
- Creating facial symmetry by influencing jaw growth
- Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
- Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
- Reducing treatment time
- Preserving space for teeth that have not yet erupted
It is possible that using this early orthodontic method will aid in improving the look of a developing child's smile while also making Phase 2 treatment easier and shorter.
What is Phase 1 treatment like with Invisalign?
Designed to correct children's teeth as they grow, Invisalign First aligners are custom-made, transparent, and removable orthodontic equipment that are worn over the teeth. It is possible to fix orthodontic difficulties such as misaligned teeth, crowding, gaps, and narrow dental arches by using Invisalign First aligners to guide your child's teeth into their proper place.
With Invisalign First aligners, your youngster can brush and floss their teeth on a regular basis and without interruption to their daily routine because the clear aligners are removable, which may make oral hygiene more convenient. They should also be comfortable because transparent aligners are custom-made to suit your child's mouth.
Our dentists in Manitoba can assess your child's individual condition and establish a customized treatment plan to promote the proper development of their teeth, jaw, and facial structure.